E-Commerce 360

Online commerce

About the conference

The past year has dramatically changed consumption habits and accelerated processes that began in the last decade – e-wallet, artificial intelligence, autonomous shipments and more.
The e-commerce conference will focus on the blossoming of online commerce and the new challenges that have been born alongside the old ones that have changed shape.

What will they talk about

  • From Crisis to Opportunity:How the Corona Became a Blessing for the Ecommerce World
  • The world of retail between the physical and the digital:opposing or complementary forces?
  • Trading 2.0:How Marketplace Platforms Have Become an E-commerce Locomotive
  • The battle for the digital wallet:who are the new players on the field and what will the consumer gain
  • What will the world of tourism look likeon the other side of the crisis and what is the role of online commerce in getting out of it
  • The technological trends that shape the world of online commerce:from fraud and identity theft, to automation and shipments

שעות פתיחה ומיקום

Monday: 08:30 - 13:30


Company : Windman


Ayalon Darom: Drivers arriving from the north must exit left at the Rokach interchange.

Ayalon Tzafon: Drivers arriving from the south must exit right at the Rokach interchange.
Drivers are to exit at the Convention Center interchange and follow the signs.

Expo Tel Aviv includes approximately 2,500 parking spaces, located within the Convention Center areathe Sports Arena parking lot and the nearby train station parking lot. Additional parking (2,000 spaces) is available at the nearby Ganey Yehoshua parking lot.

Israel Railways (Rakevet Israel): The University Train Station is located near Expo Tel Aviv. Israel Railways

Egged Bus Company – Bus number 521. Egged

Dan Bus Company – Bus numbers 12, 22, 40, 89, 189, 389. Dan 

Metropoline Bus Company – Bus numbers 47, 48, 247 from Central Tel Aviv and Raanana/Kfar Saba/Herzliya/Ramat Hasharon. Metropoline

Kavim Bus Company – Bus number 137. Kavim

A Tel-O-Fun bike anchoring station is located on 106 Rokach Boulevard. Tel Aviv has close to 70 km of marked bike paths, including urban paths and paths located in residential neighborhoods and parks.

Check out Tel Aviv’s bike routes: