Pavilion 1
The Central Plenary is a very large area with an array of unique attributes. The plenary's size and operational solutions facilitate versatile event planning, and are ideal for large and complex events. Every year, the Central Plenary hosts a wide range of events, including exhibitions, business events, conferences, international shows and more. Plug & Play points for communications, electricity, water, drainage and condensed air are conveniently located within every four meters. A luxurious lobby is located at the plenary's main entrance. The lobby includes a registration desk and small rooms that cater to the needs of production crews. The plenary floor and Pavilion 1 gallery floor provide access to additional meeting rooms and small convention halls, which can be used to complement the main event's activities
- Communication outlets
- Electrical outlets
- Water outlets
- Compressed air outlets
- Sewage outlets
- Bathroom stalls
- Buffet services during the event